School Tours
Posted on January 30 2025Looking for a safe and caring environment? Want smaller class sizes and individualized student learning? Contact the school for a private tour at your convenience. Menno Simons Christian School "Integrating…
At Menno Simons we challenge our students to be PEACEMAKERS. It is a life lesson that we focus on everyday preparing our students for an enriched life. These lessons are inspired by what we believe…
Watch the video below and learn about this amazing trailblazer, Menno Simons, and why we are named after him! To discover more about Menno Simons Christian School please enjoy more videos in our Discover…
“We Don’t Eat Our Classmates” by Ryan T. Higgins is a favourite book in my household. It tells the story of a little T-Rex, named Penelope Rex, who is about to start school for the first time. She…
I truly do love the start of a new school year. There is so much possibility and the year holds so much potential for each of us. Whether you are new to Menno or returning for another year, this chapter…
Learning the English language is hard. For example, if you want to put a shine on the table that you bought in Poland, you can polish the Polish furniture. Homonyms are words that sound just like…
I am a huge advocate for diverse libraries in each of our classrooms. Our children need to see themselves reflected in the literature around them. Books are often referred to as being mirrors, windows,…
Jody Carrington will say that you need to sit at the Winner’s table, Jon Gordon will invite you to check who is on your bus, and the Bible encourages us to join together and support each other as Christians.…
I must admit that December is not my favourite month of the year. It’s cold most of the time. I get fatigued by all the extra demands on my time - shopping, decorating, going to the malls, it just…
In my personal readings and learning, I recently read through the book “Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer. While there…
We would like to acknowledge the traditional territories and oral practices of the Blackfoot Nations, which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai. We also acknowledge the Tsuut’ina and Stoney…
One. Amazing. Week. That is the only way to describe this first week of school. Hearing laughter and excited voices, seeing smiles, and receiving welcoming hugs just fills our hearts and reminds us, as…
It was amazing to have our atrium filled with the sound of children and parents this morning! Let's make sure our parking lot is a happy place this year - watch the video below for our parking lot etiquette.…
It was such a privilege to be back at Menno Simons Christian School again this year - and what a year to remember! Covid-19 mandated protocols required us to begin yet another year with closed doors and…
Charles H. Spurgeon was one of the great preachers of the 19th century in America. I ran across a quote recently in which he commented on the resurrection (Remember, this was over a century ago.): "The…
For the last two years, we have been struggling with Covid and its effects on our school, our city, and our society. While Covid has demonstrated that it is very contagious, I want to turn our attention…
‘Black History is Canadian History’. This quote is from Jean Augustine, who in 1995 introduced a motion that led to the creation of Black History Month in Canada. For staff and students at Menno,…
Prior to the new year, there were posts shared on social media jokingly warning us to just sneak into 2022 and not disrupt anything. I don’t know about you, but I am thankful that’s not how my new…
One of my favourite stories that I watch every Christmas season is “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens. I like the version with Alistar Sims as Ebenezer best of all, but I must admit the Muppet…
Hi, My name is George Graffunder, and I am the Vice-Principal here at Menno Simons Christian School. My role is to support the school administration and help make decisions that will guide the direction…
We would like to acknowledge the traditional territories and oral practices of the Blackfoot Nations, which include the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai. We also acknowledge the Tsuut’ina and Stoney…
We are excited to have Mrs. Vienneau as the new principal of MSCS. Are you curious to learn more about her? Well here are all the things that you wanted to know! What is your role at Menno (in your own…
It's summertime! We hope that families can get some quality time together and that they will be refreshed come September 1, 2021. In the meantime, if you are looking for some summer reading and want to…
My final blog is one more nag for us to choose right relationships over being right as our philosophical ‘global positioning system.’ Menno gets it and you do too. I spent a few years putting my…
The activities or ‘how to teach’ part of MSCS’s mission includes making choices of strategies, tactics, logistics and relationship-builders that serve the interests of young people in their developing…
To keep Jesus at the centre of our faith, right relationships the centre of our lives, and justice at the centre of our work. The Mayflower Family Centre was a church of England run mission in the heart…
I will continue to offer food for thought in my monthly messages, and invite you to take up conversations with me over 2021. I will stay with Menno Simon’s theme of the kingdom of God, following our…
Menno Simons Christian School is onto something important. The mission statement uses different language than one might normally read in school documents that use ‘Christian’ as their defining adjective.…
The aim of education is to teach a few powerful ideas that explain and encompass everything. …
I trust that you have had a good and restful summer. We are just weeks away from school start up. We will be returning to school in September and though the circumstances are different than they were…
Check out our Summer Newsletter! Our feature article is on one of our most beloved teachers - Sandy Karg. Additional features are our Grade 9 Grad spread and thoughts from Principal Potvin and Vice Principal…
In Jesus we have been given a living illustration of how to be in the world. Let’s be clear though, we are not called to become more like Jesus; we are called to become like our true selves. And,…
This opportunity to work closely, directly and intentionally with your child may not come again, with all of these wonderful possibilities for your child’s psychological and spiritual formation. Let…
‘As a child I was told that grandfather spent an hour every day and evening listening to God. So, when I came suddenly upon my grandfather one day seated motionless in his armchair with closed eyes,…
Maybe this time of uncertainty will give us exactly what we have been looking for all along. Maybe we are on our way to the best places we once knew -- peace, trust, real community and practices of kindness…
How often in the last week have you heard this, “We are living in crazy times.” I guess we are. I have lived and worked in some crazy places during crazy times, perhaps not exactly like these times…
Tell us a little bit about your educational experience "I have been very fortunate and really quite blessed to have worked in education in many different countries and in various roles, from program designer,…
Welcome back to the new year, the new decade, and the new arrival of daylight! As we emerge from our winter of cold and darkness, we are reminded of the new creation that comes with the year roll-over,…
December. The shortest daylight month of the year. A time where we feel the cold and the dark pressing in on us. But we are also reminded of a shining light - the Star of Bethlehem - that is arriving…
It was an amazing week at Menno as we hosted our annual Penny Carnival to raise funds for Friends of Mennonite Centre Ukraine. Tickets were sold in bunches of 8 for $2 and kids were given the opportunity…
As we move into October and through the time of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of what an amazing country it is we live in, and how blessed we are. The right to vote freely in a federal election; the ability…
Menno is pleased to welcome Mrs Deren to our community. She walks around with a kind smile that is delightful to see! What is your role at Menno? I am an Educational Assistant! Why did you come to…
Menno is pleased to welcome Miss Welsh to our community. You can always see her in the halls with a smile and a calm patient demeanor. What is your role at Menno? I am an Educational Assistant! …
Today we had a "Menno Fashion Show" hosted by our esteemed Turkey Man and Duck Girl. Our teachers showcased the hottest looks at Menno for our students and families. I think it's safe to say that Menno…
Welcome Back! 1 Peter 4, V 8-11: "Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins. Cheerfully share your home with those who need a meal or a place…
Featuring news articles from many of our students, grade 9 graduate memoirs and a feature article on Marvin Grasmeyer, one of the veterans of Menno Simons Christian School! Perfect for some lazy-day,…
Wow, 2018/2019 has flown by and what a phenomenal year! It is incredible to think of all the great things our students have been a part of, the wonderful experiences with staff, and the hard work that…
Philippians 1:9-10 says “And this I pray, that your love may abound (i.e., excel) still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent, in…
Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (NASB) To be “kind” is to show a sweet and generous temperament;…
Philippians 3:14 the Apostle Paul says, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul compares his Christian life to pressing onward to the goal so as…
We at Menno Simons Christian School believe that it is our personal opportunity to live as “an example.” This phrase in its original form meant “a pattern.” Timothy’s life was to be a pattern…
When we choose to ENCOURAGE someone we are positioning ourselves to provide them with support. Our encouragement potentially gives them hope for future success in their lives. …
“Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma.” Ephesians…
“Therefore, accept one another, just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God.” Romans 15:7 (NASB) This verse gives us a summary of the marks which should characterize Menno Simons Christian…
The Cambridge dictionary defines enthusiasm as, “a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it.” At Menno Simons Christian School when we…
Check out our latest newsletter with a feature on our Jr High Teacher, Amy Stephenson as well as articles from students and our cover story "The Krahn Chronicles" MSCS Winter 2018/2019 Newsletter
As a student at Menno Simons Christian School we have to ask ‘How often do we merely “hear” an instruction with no intention of obeying it?’ Let’s pretend that you are in class at Menno. The…
As we celebrate our 35th year we are excited to present a logo refresh that captures all the qualities of Menno. The Cross The Cross of Jesus Christ is the foundation of who we are as Christians. It…
Get to know the amazing teachers and what their expectations are this year at Menno Simons Christian School!
Interested to find out more about our school? Visit our video library!
Parent Page Information for current families on what is happening at the school. Links to uniform, school supplies, lunches and more!
Make sure you are ready for the first day of school! Click here to see School Supply Lists.
Students are expected to arrive in school uniform. REMEMBER, all tops should be crested with the school logo.