Strength & Courage

One. Amazing. Week. That is the only way to describe this first week of school. Hearing laughter and excited voices, seeing smiles, and receiving welcoming hugs just fills our hearts and reminds us, as staff, why we are here. We just love our students and families!
The start of a new school year often brings anticipation and excitement. There is so much potential as we imagine how the year will unfold. At the same time, we know that a new school year may also bring some nervous or anxious feelings, which is also okay. Parents, it may feel a little strange, yet pleasantly familiar at the same time, as you enter our atrium and classrooms once again. This year has a different feel to it and however we approach it, our theme verse connects perfectly.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
When faced with a new challenge or a difficult situation, it is easy to want to hide or let fear take over. Joshua was reminded, just as we are, that we are not alone. This whole “strong and courageous” thing is about more than our own strength and courage. As Joshua led the Israelites into the Promised Land, it wasn’t just them against the world. We know that God was with them every step of the way (Joshua 1: 6 & 9).
As we begin this year, welcome new families, and get to know new teachers, we also can have peace and assurance that God is with us. His hand is most definitely on our little school. Joshua 1:9 is our reminder that strength and courage are based not only on our own abilities but on who God is and how strong and courageous HE is.
I invite you all to join us this year as we learn more about God’s character together. May it be clearly evident through our conversations and actions that God is with us and providing our strength as we journey through this year together. Welcome to a new school year!
Dayle Vienneau, MSCS Principal