Parent School Council

Menno Simons Christian Parent School Council

The Menno Simons Parent School Council consists of parents, our principal, teachers and interested community representatives who work together to support and enhance student learning.  They provide a way for members of the community to consult with and offer advice to the principal and the Palliser School Board.  Our Parent School Council aims to:

  • Focus on what is best for all students in the school
  • Consider the interests of all school stakeholders
  • Develop, maintain and reflect the culture of the school
  • Represent the parent voice in the school community

Parent School Council Executive at Menno is set organized into three key positions.

Chairperson - their primary role is to work collaboratively with families and school administration to help organize programs and people. They actively encourage others to become engaged, chair school council meetings, coordinate the agenda with the Principal, and act as the official spokesperson of the school council. The chairperson also helps ensure there is regular communication with the community - much of this works in conjunction with the Society administrator. 

Vice-Chairperson - Their primary role is to be the contact point for the various committees in School council, to share tasks and support the Chairperson in their role, to help the council fulfill their responsibilities, and in the absence of the chair to communicate and preside at meetings in place of the Chairperson.

Secretary - The school council secretary typically acts as the recorder at each meeting, ensures the minutes are prepared accurately, and submit those meetings to administration or society for posting. They also support the chairperson in ensuring that communication is delivered in a timely manner in conjunction with administration and society.

Committees and Parents also play a key role.

Committees - Effective committee work helps make school council meetings brief and effective. Committees also enable the school council to accomplish much more. Committees are formed after initial school council discussion. Items requiring more lengthy discussion or research are assigned to a committee. Committees make decisions or recommendations, according to the mandate provided by school council.

Parents - all parents are a part of school council. They can encourage participation of the community, share their professional knowledge and expertise, volunteer and form committees to pursue areas of passion and support for the community, communicate information of interest to the school council, attend school council meetings while creating an inviting environment, and identify possible topics for agendas.