Mission and Philosophy


Together with the family and the church, Menno Simons Christian School offers an education for life, preparing students for effective participation in the community through Jesus centred discipleship, service and peacemaking."

Menno Simons Christian School strives to assist students to integrate a Jesus centred faith with their experience and throughout their life. Our school provides a sound academic curriculum taught and modeled by Jesus centred professionals, in a setting where students are nurtured as they learn, question and form life values. 

Educational Philosophy

The overall goal of the Mennonite Educational Society of Calgary is to operate an alternative program in a manner, which is consistent with the guidelines laid down by Palliser Regional Schools, and is in accordance with the teachings of the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition.

Our purpose is to provide a positive Christian environment in which children receive sound academic instruction. Our task as teachers and parents is to present, teach and model the Christian faith, and to invite our students to respond to the call of God and to a living Christian faith.

At our school students can form wholesome friendships with other students as well as meaningful relationships with their teachers. Our program seeks to integrate faith into all areas of life so that students are better equipped to demonstrate Christian commitment in a needy world. The Biblical message determines not only our approach to academic program and curriculum, but also to our methods of instruction, administration and discipline.

We strive to offer an excellent and well-rounded school program
which will meet the varying needs of students in a rapidly changing world, and which involves the parents and the church community in the process.