Ephesians 4:32 “Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” (NASB)
To be “kind” is to show a sweet and generous temperament; putting aside all that is harsh and encouraging all that is gentle and good. In the context of how this verse was written in Scripture it is defined as the outlook of mind which thinks as much of its neighbour’s affairs as it does of its own.
Kindness has learned the secret of looking outwards all the time, and not inwards. The Apostle Paul tells us to forgive others as God forgave us. So, in one sentence, Paul lays down the law of personal relationships—that we should treat others as Jesus Christ has treated us.
At Menno Simons we are putting kindness in practice. We are cooperating with the work of God’s Spirit and experiencing a transformation attitude, action, and lifestyle.